Picnic with EKOROB

"Picnic with EKOROB", Barkowice, 01.09.2012

On 1 September 2012, an information and educational meeting open to all the residents and tourists to Sulejow Reservoir was held in Barkowice under implementation of the LIFE+ EKOROB Project.

The meeting included presentation of the work delivered in the demo sites in Barkowice, and dissemination of information on health and environmental risks caused by pollution entering ground water. Information campaign on reseasons and effects of eutrophication of Sulejow Reservoir was also delivered. Picnic participants could receive information materials on the EKOROB project, Water Framework Directive and Nitrate Directive.

Environmental workshops on diffuse and point pollution, reduction of nitrogen and phosphorus emissions in households, rural and recreational areas, and the role of ecotonic zones in reducing diffuse pollution were prepared in cooperation with FERSO, the Foundation for Education and Civil Society Development. These activities were held in the form of a board game played in the open air and a mini water laboratory. A competition for the best “Water at My Home” drawing was a complementary compenent held.

Demonstration of the key fire-fighting interventions prepared by the Voluntary Fire Fighting Service in Barkowice was an additional attraction.

At the end of the meeting, a bonfire including grilling sausages and roasting potatoes, to integrate all the participants, was held.

Thank you for coming!