Educational meetings for pupils of Elementary Schools

Educational meetings for pupils of Elementary Schools: Tomek in Tomaszow Mazowiecki and Elementary School in Przygłow

On 20 and 21 September 2012, educational activities for the elementary schools were held in the village of Barkowice located on Sulejow Reservoir within the demo sites of the project: LIFE+ EKOROB "Barkowice Zatoka" (Bay) and "Barkowice Łąka" (Meadow), which is implemented under LIFE+ EKOROB and LIFE+ ENVEUROPE projects.

Pupils of forms 4 and 5 represented Tomek Elementary School in Tomaszow Mazowiecki, and pupils of form 6, Elementary School in Przygłow.

Topics of the meetings included the following issues:

  1. Circulation of water and pollution in the catchment – human impacts on the quality of ground water and possibilities of reducing risks.
  2. Fish species in Sulejow Reservoir – what information on water quality may be obtained based on the fish species.
  3. Indicator plant species of the coastal zone of reservoirs and rivers – vegetation as environmental indicator.

Apart from the theoretical part, young people could also take part in a practical component, under which they were actively involved in ground water monitoring, identification of ecotonic zones, beach seining, and fry species evaluation.

The meeting was completed with a bonfire to integrate all the participant.
