Educational Activities for Elementary School in Smardzewice and Lower Secondary Schools in Przyglow and Sulejow

On 28-30 May 2014, the next round of educational activities for the elementary school students and the first round of educational activities for the lower secondary school students were delivered under LIFE+ EKOROB ‘Ecotones for Reducing Diffuse Pollution’ Project. They were delivered in Barkowice on the Sulejow Reservoir, in two demonstration sites ‘Barkowice Zatoka’ and ‘Barkowice Laka’.

Students of Year Four of the Elementary School in Smardzewice and of Year One of the Lower Secondary School in Sulejow and the Lower Secondary School in Przyglow took part in those activities.

The following three thematic blocks were presented during the workshops:

  1. Flow of water and pollution in the nature as well as circulation of elements, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, in the environment. The activities were delivered using a multimedia presentation. Aspects of the sources of water pollution, as well as methods of its prevention and reduction were raised. The activities were delivered under two stages: in the first stage a multi-media presentation was used to provide theoretical background of the issues, and during the other one, children carried out experiments to filter dyed water (which represented pollution from such sources as leaky cesspits) through soil, which was represented by a sponge.
  2. Monitoring of the quality of ground and surface water condition. Under this part, pupils were collecting water samples from piezometers, read the key parameters (such as temperature, Ph value, and electrical conductivity of water), and following the water filtering, identified nitrogen and phosphorus content in water.
  3. Ichtiofauna of the Sulejow Reservoir. Apart from theoretical introductions, children could touch, thoroughly observe and recognise the presented species of fish.

The students eagerly engaged in the discussion and asked questions. The activities were completed with an integration bonfire and snacks for all the participants of these activities.

  • Radosław Gross (European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology of the PAS)
  • Klaudia Kazimierczak (European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology of the PAS)
  • Sebastian Ratajski (Department of Applied Ecology, University of Lodz)
  • Agnieszka Gaszyńska ‘Zrodla’ (Springs) Centre for Ecological Activities

Educational Activities for Elementary School in Smardzewice


Educational Activities for Lower Secondary School in Sulejow


Educational Activities for Lower Secondary School in Przyglow