Specialist Training for Employees of the Swietokrzyskie Agricultural Consultation Centre entitled ‘Buffer Zones and Other Measures for Reducing Diffuse Pollution from Agricultural Areas’

On 18-19 June, in Modliszewice, in the headoffice of the Swietokrzyskie Agricultural Consultation Centre, a 2-day specialist training entitled ‘Buffer Zones and Other Measures for Reducing Diffuse Pollution from Agricultural Areas’ was held for employees of the Swietokrzyskie Agricultural Consultation Centre.

During the first lecture day, the participants could get familiar with the following presentations:

Presentations of the assumptions and results of EKOROB Project: Ecotones for Reducing Diffuse Pollution
Wojciech Frątczak, Project Coordinator
Regional Water Management Board in Warsaw

Buffer Zones: functioning and efficiency in reducing diffuse pollution
Katarzyna Izydorczyk
European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology PAS

Denitrification deposits – to reduce nitrate pollution in agricultural areas
Agnieszka Bednarek
European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology PAS
Department of Applied Ecology, University of Lodz

Inspections of farms under mutual compliance in terms of their compliance with the requirement of protecting water from pollution caused by nitrates of agricultural origin (SMR 1)
Krystyna Ubowska
Swietokrzyskie Regional Branch of Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture (ARMA) in Kielce

Agricultural-environmental-climate Programme – Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 in terms of reducing negative impacts on the environment caused by nitrates coming from agricultural production. ARMA’s relevant inspections.
Robert Wtulich
Swietokrzyskie Regional Branch of ARMA in Kielce

Nature projects implemented by the Group of Swietokrzyskie and Nida Region Landscape Parks in terms of sustainable agriculture development
Krystyna Wójcik-Daniluk
Group of Swietokrzyskie and Nida Region Landscape Parks

Management in Natura 2000 sites in the light of the current legislation
Diana Bartkiewicz, Monika Kurpios
Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Kielce

During the final part of the training, EKOROB Project Coordinator presented an Action Programme to reduce diffuse pollution in the Pilica catchment, developed under LIFE+ EKOROB Project. That session was closed with a discussion and exchange of opinions on the proposed solutions.

On the second day of the training, a group of the participants took part in a visit to buffer zones constructed in demosites in Barkowice Zatoka and Barkowice Łaka, and naturally formed zones in Radonka, a monitoring demosite.

We would like to express our gratitude for taking part in the training and discussions that are very important to us and to the project. Apart from thanking the training participants – SBACC employees – and speakers: Diana Bartkiewicz, Monika Kurpios, Krystyna Wójcik-Daniluk, Krystyna Ubowska, Agnieszka Bednarek, Robert Wtulicha, we would also like to thank the following persons in particular for their help and organisation of the training: Mr. Jarosław Mostowski, Director of the Swietokrzyskie Agricultural Consultation Centre; Ms. Magdalena Kędzierska, Director of the Swietokrzyskie Regional Branch of the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture (ARMA) in Kielce; Mr. Tomasz Hałatkiewicz, Director of the Group of Swietokrzyskie and Nida Region Landscape Parks; Mr. Waldemar Pietrasik, Director of Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Kielce.